Thank you for a great conference!
Thanks to the local organizers and helpers, thank you the people of Helsingor and the Konventum for their hopsitality, and of course the biggest Thank You to all participants for making this conference so enjoyable!
We would like to provide some aftermath material to remember and digest the week at the Øresund. Therefore we provide photos of the conference sessions and the social activities, and also scientific material: the session summaries, comprehensively drawn together by the respective conveners form their perspective, most of the oral presentations, and of course the extended abstracts which are conveniently compiled in the Conference Proceedings.
Conference Photos: Click here...
Session Summaries: Click here...
Conference Presentations: Click here...
Conference Proceedings: Click here... (9MB);or here... (38MB)
Call for Papers:
A "Research Topic" on the conference theme has been installed in "Frontiers in Earth Science", so you are invited to submit a paper...