1st International Winter School on
Analysis of Climate Variability
22 - 29 March 2019
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany
co-organized by Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW), University of Rostock
and the International Baltic Earth Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht under the umbrella of Baltic Earth

Participants in the 2019 Baltic Earth Winter School on "Analysis of Climate Variability" in good spirits after the first day of lectures at IOW...

Students will be introduced to the analysis of climate variability from years to millennia as recorded from instrumental data, historical documents and proxy data such as tree ring data or sediment cores. The focus will be on the climate of the Baltic Sea region but an overview on global climate variability and processes in the atmosphere, ocean, sea-ice and land surface relevant for the climate system will be introduced as well. For the analysis of climate variability, both statistical methods and numerical modeling are used. Methods for the detection of systematic changes in climate and for the attribution of drivers to these changes will be presented and discussed. The course will introduce fundamentals of statistics, time series analysis, multivariate data analysis, uncertainty analysis in statistical methods and strategies of statistical analysis.
The Baltic Sea is a relatively young marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean that was formed after the last deglaciation. During the Last Glacial Maximum, a thick ice sheet covered the whole basin. After all ice had melted, first the Baltic Ice Lake was formed, then the Yoldia Sea and Ancylus Lake and, finally, the Littorina Sea (the Baltic Sea we know today), as a consequence of the interplay between sea level rise and land uplift which controls the water exchange between the Baltic Sea and the world ocean. The course will introduce the history of the Baltic Sea. In addition to lectures, tutorials, exercises and literature studies, the course will give students the opportunity to discuss the learned topics further during group exercises.
Course period: 7 full days in total, 22 – 29 March 2019
Travel from Berlin or Hamburg on 22 March and return on 29 March 2019.
Internationally renowned experts, will be communicated here as soon as possible
Course site: Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, situated north of Rostock at the Baltic Sea.
Estimated number of participants: ~ 10 students from all Baltic Sea countries
Cost: Accommodation and all meals are provided free of charge in the Jugendherberge Warnemünde. Travel costs will not be reimbursed but limited funds are available and applications for travel support will be accepted until 15 December 2018 (please add a motivation letter to your application).
Applications: The School is open to undergraduate students in geosciences such as climate science, meteorology, oceanography and hydrology and associated fields. Please use our application tool on the website (open for applications on 15 October):
Also provide your contact, a motivation letter (max. 1 page), a short CV (max. 2 pages) and a recommendation letter from your supervisor.
Responsible teacher: Prof. Dr. Markus Meier
Course agenda here...
Berit Recklebe
Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde
+49-381 5197 111
https://www.io-warnemuende.de/bews-2019-application.html |