Baltic Earth Workshop on
Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Dynamicum, Helsinki, 30-31 January 2014
Thank you for a pleasant and successful Baltic Earth Workshop!

This 2-day workshop at the FMI in Helsinki was dedicated to the Baltic Earth Grand Challenge "Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region".
The overarching aim of this Baltic Earth workshop was to review our understanding of extreme events in the past, present and future and to identify research needs. A concrete goal was to gather a group of researchers who could form a community to collaborate in this field in the future.
The first day was dedicated to oral presentations which spanned a range of extreme events in the Baltic Sea region. The day was opened by Yrjö Viisanen, Research Director of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, who gave an overview over the FMI´s research activities. The presentations were of very high quality and mostly were of review character. Please find the presentations as pdf in the download section below. The poster session in the evening was introduced by short 2-slide presentations by poster authors (also in the download section below).
The second day was dedicated to working group breakout session. The participants were divided into three groups: Temperature extremes, Precipitation events, and Storm Surges/Sea level. Each group was given a template of questions as guidelines for discussion, and the outcomes were presented by the group rapporteurs in plenary, followed by an open discussion. A summary of the discussion and the notes presented by the rapporteurs can be found in the Workshop Summary below.
We would like to thank our local host Jari Haapala and the FMI for the use of this fabulous venue and a light dinner following the poster session.
Download Section
Presentations can be found here
Oral Presentations
- Welcome by the Host of the Workshop and Introduction to Research and Development at FMI
Yrjö Viisanen, Research Director, FMI
- Introduction to Baltic Earth and the Workshop
Anna Rutgersson, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Extremes in a changing climate change
Jouni Räisänen
- Changes in extreme climates of the greater Baltic Sea region since 1851: Observations
versus simulations
Deliang Chen, Tinghai Ou and Alexander Walther
- From short range forecasts to climate change projections of extreme events in the Baltic
Sea region
Martin Stendel
- Do we need a coupled modelling system when modelling extreme events?
Anna Rutgersson and Lichuan Wu
- Extreme sea levels on the Finnish coast
Kimmo Kahma
- Changes in severe storm and high sea-level events on the Estonian coast
Jaak Jaagus
- Storm surge climate in the western Baltic Sea 1948-2012
Hendrik Weidemann and Ralf Weisse, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
- Storm surges in the easternmost Gulf of Finland during operation of the Flood Protection Barrier of St. Petersburg
Vladimir Ryabchenko, P.Andreev, A.Averkiev, A.Dvornikov, K.Klevanny and V.Tsepelev
- Does Arctic sea ice decline increase the occurrence of extreme weather conditions in midlatitudes?
Timo Vihma
- Shift of extreme spring streamflow on rivers in Belarus part of the Baltic Sea basin
Irina Partasenok and Ryhor Chekan
- Probabilistic seamless extreme rainfall forecasting system for lead times 1-120 hours
Jarmo Koistinen, Harri Hohti, Janne Kauhanen, Juha Kilpinen, Pertti Nurmi, Pekka Rossi,
Miikka Jokelainen, Mari Heinonen, Tommi Fred and Dmitri Moisseev
- Hybrid Approach for the Assessment of Changes of Extreme Waves at the German Baltic Sea Coast on the Basis of Regional Climate Model Data
Norman Dreier, C. Schlamkow, P. Fröhle and D.Salecker
- Thunderstorm climatology of Northern Europe in 2002-2013 based on the NORDLIS
lightning location system
Antti Mäkelä, Sven-Erik Enno and Jussi Haapalainen
Short Poster Presentations
- The variability of western and south-western wind extremes over the Baltic Sea
Svenja Bierstedt, Eduardo Zorita and Birgit Hünicke
- Evaluation of extreme water levels and their return periods near Tallinn using ensemble approach
Maris Eelsalu, Priidik Lagemaa, Katri Pindsoo and Tarmo Soomere
- New tools to improve detailed precipitation estimates
Erik Gregow, Elena Saltikoff and Harri Hohti
- Climate tolerance – a sensible way to define weather extremes
Olavi Kärner and Piia Post
- Severe water events in the Odra River mouth area in the light of recent sea level rise
Halina Kowalewska-Kalkowska
- Nordic lightning information system: Thunderstorm climate of Northern Europe for the period 2002–2013
Antti Mäkelä, Sven-Erik Enno and Jussi Haapalainen
- Assessment of Extreme Storm Surge Hydrographs
Dörte Salecker and Peter Fröhle
- Numerical Weather Modelling of Extreme Events in Latvia 2012 Using WRF
T. Sīle, J. Seņņikovs and U. Bethers
- Direct radiative effect of wildfire smoke on a severe thunderstorm event in the Baltic Sea Region
Velle Toll and Aarne Männik
- How the city influences the precipitation extremes?
Joanna Wibig, Piotr Piotrowski