Conference Programme available here...
Meeting of the Baltic Earth Working Group on Coupled Regional Earth System Models. Agenda here...
Information for Authors
Poster walls have the following dimensions: 118 cm wide x 148 cm high. There will be a dedicated poster session on Thursday 14 June in the afternoon, when all poster authors are requested to be by their poster. Posters can be up at the boards all week (Monday to Friday), so that poster discussions can also be anytime during the breaks.
Speakers should upload their presentation onto the conference computer in the morning of the talk, at the very latest in the break before the talk.
Slot time is 15 min for your presentation and 5 minutes for discussion. Solicited talks have a 25 min + 5 min slot).
Special Issue
We envisage a Special Issue in an internationally renowned journal. All authors (oral or poster) are invited to submit a paper on their conference contribution, with deadline some months after the conference. Details on the journal and further infos will be distruibuted at the conference.
Call for Papers terminated
Contributions in accordance with the conference topics as outlined above, both oral or poster, are welcome.
Extended abstracts in English, maximum of two pages, including figures, tables or diagrams, are invited to be submitted by e-mail to the International Baltic Earth Secretariat. Accepted extended abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings as a collection of "mini-papers" (see here the Proceedings of the Nida 2016 conference how this may look).
Electronic abstract templates are available here for download:
Word (.docx)
Open Office
Please use one of these templates. If you have problems using the templates, please inform
Abstracts must be submitted by e-mail to by 26 February 2018.
Please indicate your oral/poster preference and to which topic you would like to have your presentation allocated.
EXENDED Abstract Submission Deadline: 26 February 2018 (terminated)
The Scientific Conference Committee will review the submitted papers, decide on allocation to topic, oral or poster presentation and establish the conference programme. Authors will be notified by mid March 2018, and the programme is expected to be online by end of March 2018. An abstract volume (proceedings) will be provided for download and on a USB stick at the conference.
Authors will be invited to submit a full paper based on their presentation for a special conference issue in an international scientific journal to be published after the conference. |