Workshop booklet with programme, abstracts and participants: Click here...
The workshop will last for full two days, so please arrange your travel and accomodation accordingly. For the venue and hotels, see here....
Confirmed Speakers (as of 4 October 2018, subject to update). Topic descriptions are tentative and presentation titles may differ.
Andris Andrusaitis, BONUS EEIG (Multiple Drivers activities in BONUS)
Jacek Beldowski, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science (Dumped chemical ammunition)
Jacob Carstensen, Aarhus University (Responses in land-sea fluxes, water cycle changes, nutrients)
Michael Dähne, German Oceanographic Museum Foundation (Impacts of underwater noise on marine mammals and other marine organisms)
Margit Eero, Technical University of Denmark (Impact of multiple drivers on fish stocks)
Jari Haapala, Finnish Meteorological Institute (Responses in the cryosphere, sea ice and associated changes)
Jannica Haldin, HELCOM (Multiple Drivers activities in HELCOM)
Atko Heinsalu and Tiit Alliksaar, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (Long-term changes in sediment pollution in the coastal regions)
Daniel Herlemann, Estonian University of Life Sciences (Marine microbial communities and related changes)
Christoph Humborg, Stockholm University (Food production)
Birgit Hünicke, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Responses in sea level)
Kari Hyytiäinen, University of Helsinki (Socio-economic drivers, SSPs)
Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Finnish Meteorological Institute (Air pollution by ship emissions)
Heikki Junninen, University of Helsinki (Atmospheric biosphere-atmosphere interactions incl. anthropogenic aspects, i.e. air pollution, land sources)
Anders Kiessling, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Aquaculture)
Erik Kjellström, Swedish Meteorological and Mateorological Institute, Norrköping, Sweden (Greenhouse gas emissions, global warming)
Samuli Korpinen, Finnish Environment Institute (Multiple pressures on marine habitats in the Baltic Sea)
Inga Lips, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (Microplastics in the Baltic Sea)
Michelle McCrackin, Stockholm University Nutrient loads)
Saskia Otto, University of Hamburg, Germany (ICES approach to assessing and reporting on the state of the ecosystem)
Anneli Poska, Tallinn University of Technology (Land use and land cover changes)
Markus Meier, Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde (Responses in the water cycle, eutrophication and salinity changes)
Kevin Parnell, James Cook University, Australia and Tallinn University of Technology (Coastal management)
Detlef Schulz-Bull, Baltic Sea Research Institute Warnemünde (Toxic and detrimental substances, heavy metals, POPs, etc)
Peter Sigray, Stockholm University (Underwater noise)
Tarmo Soomere, Tallinn University of Technology (Responses in storm surges and coastal erosion)
Beata Szymczycha, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Science, Sopot, Poland (The effect of submarine groundwater discharge on the coastal environment)
Emma Undemann, Stockholm University (Responses in marine chemistry and biochemistry (acidification, pollution, eutrophication))
Anders Wörman, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (Effects of Watershed Engineering on Floods and Nutrient Export (to the Baltic Sea)
Erik Ytreberg, Chalmers University of Technology (Marine pollution by shipping and antifouling paints) |