Conference presentations can be found here
Monday 13 June 2016
Opening Session
Baltic Earth - Earth system science for the Baltic Sea basin
H.E. Markus Meier
Interrelation of the geosphere, climate processes and the anthroposphere in the Baltic Sea basin during the Holocene
Jan Harff, H Jöns and A Rosentau
Rehabilitating the Chesapeake Bay (USA) ecosystem under changing climate
Donald F Boesch, ZP Johnson and M Li
Two centuries of extreme events over the Baltic Sea and North Sea regions
Martin Stendel, E van den Besselaar, A Hannachi, J Jaagus, E Kent, E Lefebve, G Rosenhagen, A Rutgersson, F Schenk, G van der Schrier and T Woollings
Topic A: Salinity dynamics
A succession of four Major Baltic Inflows in the period 2014-2016 – an overview of propagation and environmental change
Michael Naumann, G Nausch and V Mohrholz
The impact of the recent series of barotropic inflows on deep water conditions in the Eastern Gotland Basin – time series observations
Volker Mohrholz, T Heene, S Beier, G Nausch and M Naumann
The dynamic of thermohaline regime of the Baltic Sea after “Major Baltic Inflow” 2014
Sergey Shchuka, D Rak, V Solovyev and A Staskiewicz
On the role of the haline conditions in the Belt Sea in the formation of highly saline barotropic inflows to the Baltic Sea
Katharina Höflich, A Lehmann and K Myrberg
Assessment of long time series of atmospheric circulation patterns forcing large volume changes and major inflows to the Baltic Sea
Piia Post and A Lehmann
Pathways of deep cyclones associated with large volume changes (LVCs) and Major Baltic Inflows (MBIs)
Andreas Lehmann, K Höflich, P Post and K Myrberg
Statistics of deep estuarine circulation vs reverse estuarine circulation in the Gulf of Finland
Madis-Jaak Lilover, J Elken, I Suhhova and T Liblik
Using shallow-water Argo floats to monitor the Major Baltic Inflows in the Gotland Deep
Simo Siiriä, L Tuomi, P Roiha, T Purokoski and P Alenius
Tuesday 14 June 2016
Topic B: Land-sea-atmosphere biogeochemical feedbacks
Robustness and uncertainty in future nutrient loads from land ecosystems across the Baltic Sea catchment area
Benjamin Smith, M Lindeskog, K Engström, S Olin and A Poska
Eutrophication assessments using ecosystem model data
Adolf Stips, D Macia, E Garcia-Gorriz, S Miladinova and T Neumann
The role of the cyanobacteria life cycle on biogeochemistry of the Baltic Sea - a 3D high resolution coupled physical biogeochemical model study
Kari Eilola, E Almroth-Rosell, M Gröger, J Hieronymus, B Karlson, Y Liu, S Saraiva, I Wahlström, I Hense and HEM Meier
Abrupt changes in distribution patterns and dynamics of methane and nitrous oxide in the Central Baltic Sea as a consequence of the 2014-2015 Major Baltic Inflow
Gregor Rehder, J Werner, G Jakobs, L Umlauf, S Otto and O Schmale
Peculiarities of the Baltic Sea acid-base system
Karol Kuliński, B Schneider, B Szymczycha, K Hammer, A Winogradow, M Stokowski and K Koziorowska
Air-sea CO2 exchange in the Baltic Sea
Anna Rutgersson, E Sahlée and G Parard
Groundwater discharge to the southern Baltic Sea
Beata Szymczycha and J Pempkowiak
High-resolution modelling of 3D-hydrodynamics in the Finnish Archipelago Sea
Elina Miettunen, L Tuomi, J Ropponen and R Lignell
Special GEWEX contribution
PannEx: Towards a Regional Hydroclimate Project in the Pannonian Basin
Mónika Lakatos, I Güttler and J Cuxart Rodamilans
Wednesday 15 June 2016
Topic C: Natural hazards and high impact events
Changes in the wave climate and severity of storms in the Baltic Sea in 1991 – 2015 from satellite altimetry
Nadia A. Kudryavtseva and T Soomere
Will there be extreme sea ice winters in future?
Jari Haapala, P Uotila and BW An
Detection of trends in the magnitude of spring floods for the eastern parts of the Gulf of Finland basin
Sergei Zhuravlev, L Kurochkina and T Shalashina
Possible consequences of the construction of the NPP "Hanhikivi-1" for the marine environment of the Gulf of Bothnia: model estimates
Vladimir Ryabchenko, A Dvornikov, T Eremina, A Isaev and S Martyanov
Meteorological observations of signal stations - a data source for the analysis of extreme weather events?
Birger Tinz, D Röhrbein and H von Storch
Assessment of spatial variation of extreme wind speeds
Ari Venäläinen, P Pirinen, M Horttanainen, M Laapa, R Hyvönen, I Lehtonen, P Junila and H Peltola
Thunderstorm hail and lightning prediction parameters based on dual polarization Doppler weather radar data
Tanel Voormansik, P Post, T Tanilsoo, D Moisseev and PJ Rossi
Topic D: Sea level dynamics, coastal morphology and erosion
Acceleration of mean sea-level rise in the Baltic Sea since 1900
Birgit Hünicke and E Zorita
Interrelated drivers of coastline change in the Baltic Sea
Jan Harff, J Deng, J Dudzinska-Nowak, A Groh, B Hünicke and W Zhang
Impacts of regional climate change on the potential longshore sediment transport at the German Baltic Sea coast
Norman Dreier and P Fröhle
Attribution of storm surge events in the southern Baltic Sea to anthropogenic influences
Katharina Klehmet and B Rockel
Water level extremes signal changes in the wind direction in the north-eastern Baltic Sea
Tarmo Soomere, M Eelsalu and K Pindsoo
Extreme statistics of storm surges in the Baltic Sea
Evgueni Kulikov and I Medvedev
The sea level variability at the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea: from hours to centuries
Igor Medvedev, E Kulikov and A Rabinovich
Assessment of long-term dynamics of the Curonian Spit foredune in response to hydrometeorological regime change
Donatas Pupienis, I Buynevich, N Dobrotin, D Jarmalavičius, G Žilinskas, L Jukna, A Cichon-Pupienis
Evening Lecture
Connecting Analytical Thinking and Intuition: Challenges for leadership and education in Earth System Sciences
Anders Omstedt
Thursday 16 June 2016
Topic E: Regional variability of water and energy exchanges
Advanced GNSS tropospheric products for monitoring severe weather events and climate
Jonathan Jones, G Guerova, J Dousa, G Dick, S de Haan, E Pottiaux, O Bock and R Pacione
Changes in UV radiation in Estonia based on measurements and model calculations of UVA and UVB doses since 1955 at Tõravere
Margit Aun, K Eerme, M Aun and I Ansko
Multi-annual eddy-covariance measurements of surface energy balance components for urban, agricultural and natural wetland sites in Poland
Krzysztof Fortuniak, W Pawlak and M Siedlecki
Projection of climate changes in Belarus according to ensemble models
Irina Partasenok and B Geyer
Does soil frost-induced soil moisture precipitation feedback play a role over the Baltic Sea catchment?
Stefan Hagemann and T Blome
Topic F: Regional climate system modeling
The North Sea region Climate Change Assessment (NOSCCA): What happens in the south west of BACC?
Markus Quante, F Colijn and I Nöhren
On the relevance of higher trophic levels for modelling ecosystem dynamics in the Baltic Sea
Ute Daewel and C Schrum
Arctic region climate teleconnections with Baltic Sea region by NCEP-CFSR reanalysis
Erko Jakobson, L Jakobson, P Post and J Jaagus
Climatic wave modeling in Baltic Proper and Gulf of Riga using SWAN
Aigars Valainis, U Bethers and J Sennikovs
6000 years of human-land-sea-interactions: Estimating the impact of land-use and climate changes on DOC production in the Baltic Sea catchment
Anneli Poska, B Pirzamanbin, A Nielsen, H Filipsson, M Lindeskog, B Smith and D Conley
Cluster analysis of contemporary and future climate of Latvia
Juris Sennikovs, I Klints and U Bethers
SHEBA – Sustainable shipping and environment of the Baltic Sea
Jana Moldanova and M Quante
Deposition of sulfur, nitrogen and particles originating from shipping activities in the Baltic and North Seas
Karin Haglund, B Claremar and A Rutgersson
Topic G: Multiple and interrelated drivers of environmental changes
Using integrated modeling to derive the historical water quality in the south-western Baltic Sea
René Friedland, T Neumann and G Schernewski
Which factors affect metal and radionuclide pollution in the Baltic Sea?
Martin Lodenius
Dialogue- and communication forms as parallel infrastructure of climate- and coastal research at the Southern Baltic Sea coast
Insa Meinke
Conceptual challenges of climate servicing
Hans von Storch
Friday 17 June 2016
Due to airline strike, two free slots were available which were given to volunteering young scientists...
Comparison of Observed and Modelled Radiative Energy Flows
Ehrhard Raschke and S Kinne
(from Topic F: Regional climate system modeling)
Long-term alkalinity trends in the Baltic Sea and their implications for CO2-induced acidification
Jens Müller, B Schneider and G Rehder
(from Topic B: Land-Sea-Atmosphere biogeochemical feedbacks) |