
Baltic Earth Workshop on
Hydrology of the Baltic Sea Basin: Observations, Modelling, Forecasting
St. Petersburg, Russia
8- 9 October 2019
Co-organized by State Hydrologic Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany
Thank you to the organizers and participants for a great workshop! The workshop was part of the celebrations for the 100th year´s birthday of the Russian State Hydrologic Institute. 43 interested scientists from Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Sweden and Germany presented and discussed current issued regarding hydrological research in the Baltic Sea region. More ...

Climate change affects the water cycle of the Baltic Sea catchment basin, and adaptation will be required in the future. The extent to which the Baltic Sea region will be affected by changing hydrological conditions and what the best adaptation strategies are, is an issue of open discussion.
The workshop aims to bring together scientists to overcome the barriers in hydrological studies, including monitoring, modelling and forecasting. Both water quantity and quality issues will be discussed. We hope that covering the different facets of hydrology will help us to develop a more integrated understanding of the interactions between the water, energy and matter cycles, and the direct and indirect anthropogenic effects.
- to review recent scienti fi c contributi ons to assess past, current and future changes of the water cycle,
- to share the experience of hydrological and hydrochemical monitoring, using diff erent tools and approaches,
- to review recent developments in hydrological modelling in the Balti c Sea basin and neighboring domains, and
- to discuss water quality issues and waste water treatment projects in the Baltic Sea basin.
Photo: Pixabay |