
Advanced Training School on Remote Sensing/Earth Observation
Applications of Remote Sensing in the Baltic Sea region
15 - 20 September 2019 in Võru Kubija Spa, Estonia |
Thank you for a joyous and successful autumn school!!!
We had altogether 33 students and 28 lecturers and experts. The photo does not show all, as the lecturers did not stay the whole period. We had 22 h of lectures, 16 h of practical works, 6 h of seminars and 9 hours of independent work. A wide range of topics, how to use remote sensing in agriculture, fire detection, sea and land level detection, water and air quality assessment was covered. Thanks to lecturers for outstanding lectures! Also, the students were at a very high level. |

The advanced training school “Applications of remote sensing in the Baltic Sea region” will take place from 15 to 20 September 2019 in Võru Kubija Spa, Estonia.
The school is organised by the University of Tartu together with Baltic Earth.
Up to 45 participants, including students, early career faculty/researchers and invited experts from the field of remote sensing are expected to join this advanced training school.
Photo: Arvo Meeks
(http://arvomeeks.blogspot.com/2015/08/tamula-jarve-rannapromenaad-vorus.html) |
The main goals of the Training School are:
- To bring together young researchers in the field of Remote Sensing/Earth Observation from different countries surrounding the Baltic Sea
- To offer early stage scientists hands-on training in a relaxed informal atmosphere
- To provide young scientists with new perspectives and inspirations for their own projects
- To have renowned keynote speakers give insights into current hot topics in the area
The Advanced Training School will be composed of several segments:
- Keynote presentations by invited speakers
- Oral presentations and posters of doctoral students/early career researchers
- Hands-on group projects in various fields of remote sensing applications
- Tours, site visits and other activities
Key Speakers
- Prof Johanna Tamminen (FMI, Finland)
- Prof Jaan Praks (Aalto University, Finland)
- Prof Fuan Tsai (Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Taiwan)
- Prof Kuo-Hsin Tseng (Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University, Taiwan)
- Dr Ivan Csiszar (NOAA, USA)
- Dr Rene Laufer (Baylor University CASPER, Texas, USA)
- Dr Anu Reinart (University of Tartu TO, Estonia)
- Dr Piia Post (University of Tartu FI, Estonia)
- Dr Rivo Uiboupin (Taltech MSI, Estonia)
- Dr Jekaterina Služenikina (EstEA, Estonia)
- Dr Aive Liibusk (EMU, Estonia)
- Dr Krista Alikas (University of Tartu TO, Estonia)
- Dr Velle Toll (University of Tartu FI, Estonia)
- Prof François Bourrin, University of Perpignan, France
- Dr Kaupo Voormansik (KappaZeta, Estonia)
- Dr Martin Bötcher (Brockmann Consult, Germany)
- Dr Juha Karvonen ( FMI, Finland)
For CVs of lecturers, click here...
Lecture and group project topics
- Atmosphere;
- Sea-Land Biogeochemical linkages;
- Sea level and waves;
- Forest fires;
- Agriculture.