News/Announcements Archive
(earlier BALTEX archive entries)
Tenure track scientist position available in regional climate modeling at Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea research Warnemünde (IOW), apply by 15 October 2020. More... |
POSTPONED TO SPRING 2021... New dates to be announced...
(Sopot, Poland, 23-25 September 2020). More... |
The 3rd Baltic Earth Conference was successfully held online on 2 and 3 June!
See the conference home page for more... |
New Baltic Earth Newsletter #6 now available... |

Anders Omstedt on his scientific life...
Interview and video clip... |
First Announcement...
6th International Baltic Earth Summer School
Climate of the Baltic Sea region
24 - 31 August 2020, Askö Laboratory, Trosa, Sweden
Application deadline: 1 May 2020 |
Baltic Earth Session at EGU General Assembly, 3-8 May 2020 in Vienna:
Climate change and other drivers of environmental change: Developments, interlinkages and impacts in regional seas and coastal regions
Abstract deadline: 15 January 2020, 13:00 CET |
Second Announcement and Call for Papers:
3rd Baltic Earth Conference:
Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts
1 - 5 June 2020, Jastarnia, Hel peninsula, Poland.
Abstract Deadline: 16 February 2020 |
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemuende (IOW) is looking for a new Director as of 1 October 2021. Application deadline: 5 June 2020. Click here for more infos...
Tenure track position in Regional Climate Modelling and Analysis at Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW)
PhD candidate position in Regional Climate Modelling and Analysis at Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) |
Invitation for a Special Issue of Atmosphere on "Regional Climate Modeling: Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling". Guest Editors: Bodo Ahrens and Anika Obermann-Hellhund. The special issue is open for submission until January 31st 2020. |
Baltic Earth Workshop on
Climate projections and uncertainties in the northern Baltic Sea region
19- 20 November 2019, Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland.
Programme, Abstracts, Participants...
Thanks for a pleasant and efficient workshop! |

Thanks for a great Workshop!
Baltic Earth Workshop on Hydrology of the Baltic Sea Basin: Observations, Modelling, Forecasting
8-9 October 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia.. |

Baltic Earth Autumn School on Remote Sensing in Estonia successfully completed! |

A great 5th Baltic Earth Summer School on “Climate of the Baltic Sea region” ended today... |
Research Associate for the Project "Dam, German Marine Research Consortium"
University of Hamburg, closing date is November 15, 2019 |
PhD position in Atmospheric Science and Oceanography at the Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden closing date is November 5, 2019 |
New Baltic Earth Project: SeaLandBio
ESA funds the project Baltic+ SeaLaBio to demonstrate the added value of Earth Observation for achieving the Baltic Earth “Grand Challenge 2” goals, particularly if combined with biogeochemical modeling. |
Workshop at IO-PAN, Sopot, Poland, 1-3 April 2019
"Underway and Sensor CO2 Data and Metadata Quality Control Procedures"
Register by 22 March!
Agenda |
Baltic Earth Winter School on "Analysis of Climate Variability" at IOW started in good spirits...

Baltic Earth Newsletter No. 5 (pdf version of E-Mail Newsletter), December 2018 (PDF, 0,5MB) |
Baltic Earth Workshop on
Multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region
Tallinn, Estonia, 26 - 27 November 2018
Aftermath pages with resumee, presentations and photos... |
2nd Baltic Earth Conference
Aftermath page now updated with photos, session summaries and more…

Thank you to the 130 participants (of which about a third were Young Scientists) for a great conference!
Call for Papers: A "Research Topic" on the conference theme has been installed in "Frontiers in Earth Science", so you are invited to submit a paper... |
Baltic Earth has been approved as full Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP) of the GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP). GEWEX, the Global Energy and Water Exchanges project is part of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). |
Baltic Earth-MedCORDEX-COST Workshop on Regional Climate System Modelling for the European Sea Regions in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, successfully terminated. |
Workshop on Cryospheric Extremes, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 25-27 April 2018. Registraion deadline extended to 13 March. |
Baltic Earth Newsletter #4 out now! |
New Baltic Earth contributions in OXFORD RESEARCH ENCYCLOPEDIA "Climate Science" |
Baltic Earth projects page update |
BONUS Call 2017 "Synthesis" open! |
3rd Baltic Earth Newsletter |
Baltic Earth back in the GEWEX family
For 20 years, BALTEX had been associated with GEWEX, the Global Energy and Water Exchanges programme of the World Climate Research Programme WCRP, as a Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP). After the transition to Baltic Earth with a modified steering group and portfolio, it was decided to continue this fruitful international cooperation and re-apply for status as RHP in the GEWEX Hydroclimatology Panel (GHP). At the recent meeting in Gif-sur-Mer, France in October 2016, Baltic Earth was accepted as initial phase RHP by the GHP steering group. More on GEWEX... |
High BACC II book download numbers
The book was published in April 2015 as Open Access book with Springer, and the download numers have since been astonishing. Springer has registered a total of approximately 90,000 chapter downloads, of which about 50,000 were in 2015. With that, BACC II was among the top 25% most downloaded Springer eBooks in the relevant collection in 2016. More on BACC and download links for BACC I and II ... |
BONUS BALTICAPP now a Baltic Earth affiliated project |

Baltic Earth Science Plan 2017
3rd Baltic Earth International Summer School, Askö, Sweden, 28 August-4 September 2017 |
Research Group Leader / Young Investigator Group Leader (m/f/d)in Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Analytics and Modelling at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germanyy. Application deadline:
25 August 2019. More... |
Invitation To Tender (ITT) Baltic+ by ESA now issued!
This tender is based on recommendations of the ESA-Baltic Earth workshop in 2017. Please visit the ESA tender system EMITS (emits.esa.int) to access the tender documentation. Direct link: AO9172 to BALTIC+ EXPRO+ (Deadline is 27 April 2018) |
4th International Baltic Earth Summer School on Climate of the Baltic Sea region. Askö, Sweden, 20-27 August 2018.
Application deadline EXTENDED: 13 May. |
Stanisław Massel, outstanding Polish physical oceanographer and hydrological engineer, and former Baltic Earth Senior Advisory Board member deceased on 16 March at the age of 78. An obituary will follow in the next Baltic Earth Newsletter. |
North Sea Climate Change Assessment now online available as Open Access! Congratulations for this tremendous effort! |
Interview with students and lecturers about the Askö Summer School...
A short note by the Baltic Sea Centre of Stockholm University ... |
Assessment Report of the Gulf of Finland published
The Finnish Environment Institute SYKE has published an assessment of the Gulf of Finland, compiling the research results of over a hundred Finnish, Russian and Estonian researchers. The over 300-page publication includes recent information on issues such as eutrophication, hazardous substances, invasive species, noise, maritime traffic, and plastic waste. The publication is the most important result of the Gulf of Finland Year arranged by the countries. The publication includes for the first time a comprehensive collection of material on the status of the Gulf of Finland over a long period of time, collected by the three countries. Methods of collecting and analysing data were compared during the project. It makes it possible to gain commensurate, reliable information on the status of the Gulf of Finland.
More info: http://www.environment.fi/en-US/Maps_and_statistics/An_extraordinarily_extensive_review_of_t%2840243%29
Report download: https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/166296
Main results and recommendations: https://helda.helsinki.fi/bitstream/handle/10138/158476/SYKE_PolicyBrief_ENG_01122015.pdf?sequence=1 |
Summer school on Askö ended with smiling faces...

Summer School on Askö started

20 students from 6 countries from around the Baltic Sea have gathered on the beautiful Swedish island of Askö for the third Baltic Earth summer school. After a rainy start, the sun is out and everybody is in good spirits for the days to come. Coming from an interdisciplinary mix of backgrounds (meteorology, oceanography, geography, social science, coastal engineering), the Master and PhD students will learn about the state of the art of climate and climate change research in the Baltic Sea region. Seven lecturers will cover all aspects of climate change in the Baltic Sea region.
Course coordinators are Markus Meier from the Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde and Marcus Reckermann from the International Baltic Earth Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht. The summer school is also co-organized by the Universities of Rostock and Stockholm. |
1st Baltic Earth Conference in Nida: Now Conference Summary and photo pages available... |
Publish your Baltic Sea region related Earth system research in our Special Issue in Earth System Dynamics... |
Three outstanding scientists of BALTEX and Baltic Earth honoured
During the 1st Baltic Earth Conference at Nida, Lithuania, June 2016, Sirje Keevallik of Tallinn Technical University, Estonia, Anders Omstedt of University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and Hans von Storch, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany, were awarded a "Certificate of Excellence", in recognition of their outstanding achievements for the Baltic Earth and BALTEX science communities, on behalf of the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group and Baltic Earth and BALTEX scientific communities.
Sirje was among the first scientists in the early BALTEX days to bridge the gap between the post-soviet and western research communities in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region in the 1990s. Together with Ehrhard Raschke, who celebrated his 80th Birthday at the conference, she was a crucial figure for the opening process and has been active in BALTEX and Baltic Earth ever since. She was co-chair of the BALTEX Science Steering Group until 2013. Anders had been an active member of the BALTEX Science Steering Group from the very beginning, and soon became the driving factor for many BALTEX Phase I and II activities, including the BACC assessments. He was co-chair of the BALTEX Science Steering Group until 2013. During BALTEX Phase II, Hans initiated the BALTEX and Baltic Earth Assessments of Climate Change in the Baltic Sea basin (BACC), and thus made a considerable impact on the BALTEX and Baltic Earth research communities. He was co-chair of the BALTEX Science Steering Group until 2013. All three have with their experience and overview successfully contributed to the transformation of BALTEX to Baltic Earth, and have continued to be members of the Baltic Earth Science Steering Group.
We congratulate the three laureates and thank them for their long and successful support of the BALTEX and Baltic Earth communities! All the best for the future! |
Thank you for a great conference!
Thanks to the local organizers and helpers, thank you the people of Nida for their hopsitality, and of course the biggest "Thank You" to all participants for making this conference so enjoyable!
Shortly, a scientific summary, as well as lots of photos from the conference and beyond, will be available on the conference web pages! |
1st Baltic Earth Conference in Nida, Lithuania opened ...
Baltic Earth chairman Markus Meier opened the 1st Baltic Earth Conference in Nida, Lithuania. The mayor of Nida/Neringa, Darius Jasaitis, said that we could not have the selected a better place for this conference, as the Curonian Spit has been shaped by nature and humans for thousands of years. The phantastic opening presentations by Jan Harff, Don Boesch (on the Chesapeake Bay) and Martin Stendel set the stage for the coming days...
Programme with participant list and proceedings with extended abstracts
Press Release in English
Pressemitteilung auf Deutsch |
- Fredrik Wulff, one of the most influential ecosystem scientists in the Baltic Sea region, is deceased.
We condole with his family and friends. The Baltic Sea research community has lost a great colleague.
- International Summer School on
Climate change in the Baltic Sea region
Askö Laboratory, Trosa, Sweden, 29 August – 5 September 2016
co-organized by Baltic Earth, Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre and Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde Application Deadline: 1 June 2016.
- Baltic Earth - Gulf of Finland Seminar "Exchange processes between the Gulf of Finland and other Baltic Sea basins" in Tallinn:
Deadline for manuscripts is 31 March!
- EGU General Assembly 2016 (EGU2016), 17–22 Apr 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Special joint BACC-NOSCCA session::
Climate change and its impacts in the Baltic and North Sea regions: Observations and model projections (CL4.04)
- Baltic Earth - Gulf of Finland Seminar "Exchange processes between the Gulf of Finland and other Baltic Sea basins" in Tallinn. Wrap-up, summary and presentations
- HyMex-Baltic Earth Workshop "Joint regional climate system modelling for the European sea regions": Wrap-Up, Summary and Presentations
- Second Workshop on the ‘Major Baltic Inflow of December 2014’
13 April 2016, IOPAN, Sopot, Poland.
Invitation letter...
Practical infos...
- See presentations, videos and photos from the Baltic Earth/BEAM Summer School on Askö!
- BACC II book was launched and discussed at ECCA 2015 in Copenhagen.
Interview with Deliang Chen...
An Interview on Baltic Earth by Marcus Reckermann of the International Baltic Earth Secretariat
BACC II book now available as Open Access for free download.
- An international workshop on the Major Baltic Inflow of December 2014 will take place at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, on 20 May 2015.
- Presentations and photos of the Baltic Earth Seminar on Climate modelling and impacts: From the global to the regional to the urban scale
10 March 2015, HafenCity University Hamburg.
- Baltic Earth now in the social media:
Like and follow us!
Also follow The BACC Blog...
- BACC II book on the finish line ...
The new BACC II book is in its final stage of production.
According to the augurs, the book will be published in April as Open Access.
You can already now pre-order a print copy.
- Baltic Earth - Gulf of Finland Year 2014 Modelling Workshop
Modelling as a tool to ensure sustainable development of the Gulf of Finland-Baltic Sea ecosystem. A scientific workshop in support of the Gulf of Finland Declaration. 24-25 November 2014, Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Helsinki.
- New review paper on BALTEX Phase II achievements in physical Oceanography
This Open Access article in "Progress in Oceanography", authored by Anders Omstedt, Jüri Elken, Andreas Lehmann, Matti Leppäranta, Markus Meier, Kai Myrberg and Anna Rutgersson, represents a major wrap-up product of BALTEX Phase II, focusing on the progress in pysical oceanography of the Baltic Sea during the period 2003 to 2014.
- TV Interview on Baltic Earth by Markus Meier (in Swedish)
SMHI web article on Baltic Earth
- New article on Baltic Earth in EOS
(this article was chosen as a "good example" by AGU and EOS. It will be listed on AGU’s Sharing Science Web site (http://sites.agu.org/sharingscience), which aims to help members share their science with the public, with legislators, with students, and with each other.)
- Baltic Sea Fund honours BACC initiator Hans von Storch
- PhD Thesis on "Modelling the Dissolved Inorganic Carbon System in the Baltic Sea" by Moa Edman, October 2013.
- 2014 ASLO Open Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, 23-28 February 2014.
- AMBIO Volume 43, Issue 1, February 2014
Special Issue: BONUS+ in Support of the Ecosystem Approach to Management in the Baltic Sea
Guest Editors: Andris Andrusaitis, Maija Sirola and Kaisa Kononen
- Baltic Earth Workshop on Natural hazards and extreme events in the Baltic Sea region, 30-31 January 2014, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland.
- Call for abstracts at the EGU General Assembly Vienna, 27 April- 2 May 2014. Please consider submitting an abstract for presentation in our Baltic Earth releated open session on Coastal and Shelf Seas. This session solicits for contributions related to the Baltic Earth Grand Challenges.http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2014/session/14436Please note the deadline for abstract submission is 16 January 2014
- The Baltic Sea and similar sea areas in focus at ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting 23-28 February 2014 in Honolulu: Session 002 - Understanding Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Multi-disciplinary Approaches for Addressing Sustainability of the Marine Environment.
- On Monday 10 June 2013, the BALTEX successor programme Baltic Earth was launched in the presence of H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden at the 7th Study Conference on BALTEX in Borgholm on Öland.

Launch of the new Baltic Earth programme in the presence of H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden. To the right of His Majesty is Colonel Per H. Nilsson, Lena Häll Eriksson, Director General Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI (Sweden), Stefan Carlsson, County Administrative Board Kalmar, Mikhail Durkin, HELCOM, and Markus Meier, SMHI and Baltic Earth Interims Steering Group chair; to the left are Anders Omstedt, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and BALTEX Steering Group co-chair, Sirje Keevallik, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) and BALTEX Steering Group co-chair, Jan Erici, Chair of City Council Borgholm Municipality, Ian A. Nicholls, Linnaeus University Kalmar, and Hans von Storch, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Germany) and BALTEX Steering Group co-chair.

Markus Meier, SMHI and Baltic Earth Interims Steering Group chair (left), Marcus Reckermann, Head of the International BALTEX Secretariat at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, and Anna Rutgersson, Uppsala University and co-chair of the Baltic Earth Interims Steering Group uncover the new Baltic Earth logo.
Photos: Marcus Reckermann (upper) and Karl Nilsson (middle and lower).

Read more on Baltic Earth and the 7th Study Conference here very soon.
Link to the Royal Website